Tag Archives: rhythm of life

No Bullying Allowed!

No Bullying Allowed!
Usually when we think of bullying, we think about kids being picked on, shoved around, made fun of, criticized, intimidated, humiliated, beat up. There are big campaigns, movements and special anti-bullying days and weeks to educate people and to attempt to stop this behavior. That’s all good. Self-bullying...
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Steady On

Steady On
Being a two-legged human being is quite the balancing act. There have been many hikes on uneven terrain where I wished for four legs instead of two! Not that I don’t enjoy being upright, having arms and hands with opposable thumbs (miracle!) – I do! But two legs come...
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Rest (by David Whyte)

Rest is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be. Rest is the essence of giving and receiving. Rest is an act of remembering, imaginatively and intellectually but also physiologically and physically. To rest is to give up on the already exhausted will as...
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I have set an intention to write a Body Prompt every week – which hasn’t been happening of late. While discussing this with my Master Mind group, one of the members asked me if it’s hard to write a blog post every week. My response was, “What’s hard is living...
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Your Soul’s Code

Your Soul's Code
The nervous system carries your Soul’s Code – this statement arrived in my awareness a few weeks ago at the end of my morning mediation. My mind grasped the concept immediately and my body stirred with recognition. Since then, I have been in the process of integrating this...
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