Seed Center

Each of us has our own personal and unique life force generator. In the GYROKINESIS® system of movement, this is known as the Seed Center. This Center is where your strength and vitality originate. It is the engine that ignites your body’s energy and from which all movement begins – the coil of power that lies hovering in the center of the pelvic bowl.

This Seed Center is always quietly pulsing with life, like a steady hum – at the ready to increase its rhythmic pulse to meet the stirrings of movement. The Seed Center is a powerful internal force that propels movement from the inside out. I find that tuning in before any movement/fitness session settles me into a reverent and respectful way of being in my body that helps me move as one cohesive system and keeps me centered and relaxed.

To access this liveliness that resides in you:

    • sit upright on the tips of your sit bones (the bony point at the base of each butt cheek)
    • place your hands on your belly about an inch above your pubic bone, stay there for a moment and imagine a warm pulsing orb in the center of your low belly
    • begin to gently rock your pelvis forward and back as you picture this internal orb growing  brighter, larger, more  radiant – do this for several minutes
    • sit quietly and notice any sensation , image, vibration . . .

When you begin any practice – yoga, gyro, fitness class, weight training, skiing, hiking, biking – focusing on the Seed Center will support you to initiate your moves from a much deeper place where you can more readily access the fullness of your strength, the cohesion of your physical effort and the vitality of your mind/body connection.

To Your Body, Carol

Written by

Owner at Rhythm of LIfe Studio

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